Just do it

writing stoneSometimes,
I wish I could assess it, analyze it, defragment it, Dissect it
So I could put it together again, figure it
Get it. What they say it should be. How it should be
This whole process. This writing thing
Some need a reason
Some kind of motive. Logic
Some even need a season
When they do it. How. Why
As if everything must have a name
Be labelled. Categorized. Put in a box
But I don’t know
Me, I just go with the flow
I just do the thing
I don’t know about the philosophy of it
All them terms, them rules. Voice
Structure, syntax. The theory of it
I don’t profess to know about the teaching of it
Or claim I was born with it
I don’t fantasize, bullshit or hide behind it
This whole process. This writing thing
I just do it
Whatever comes, however it comes, whenever it comes
I grab and move with it, Inspiration or intention
And I put them down.
All them thoughts, emotions, experiences, stories
I transform them into words
Then I organize them, the words
Put them how I want them. Where I want them
To say what I want to
And that’s all I know
I just go with the flow
And it worries me sometimes you know
The not having a plan, some kind of structure
But it’s what works for me
My writing process, so much me
For my consciousness , free spirit, creativity
For this calm, humble nature
For the freedom to be
And I like it just so
This writing thing
And I give thanks